In this PodRocket episode, I had the pleasure of discussing various aspects of Nuxt.js and web development with Paul, co-host of the show. We covered topics like the evolution from Nuxt 2 to Nuxt 3, and discussing new Nuxt 3 features, including the groundbreaking "extends" functionality.

Another key discussion point was the power of Nuxt's SEO capabilities, especially in being SEO-friendly out of the box and giving the developer the option to control trailing slashes for URLs, which can significantly impact search engine rankings.

We also delved into Nitro, an essential part of Nuxt 3, which serves as the server engine and facilitates deployment on various platforms, including serverless environments like CloudFlare Workers. Nitro provides flexibility and enables developers to adapt their projects to different hosting solutions.

Additionally, we touched on the benefits of focusing on modern browser support in Nuxt 3, as it no longer needs to cater to legacy browsers like IE11. This allows for more efficient and smaller code delivery to modern browsers.

Overall, the episode highlighted Nuxt.js's adaptability, developer-friendly features, and the collaborative environment within the Nuxt team, making it a versatile framework for web development.

Photo of Alexander Lichter

Alexander Lichter

I'm Alex, a German web engineering consultant and content creator. Helping companies with my experience in TypeScript, Vue.js, and Nuxt.js is my daily business.

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