All talks & podcasts


  • Software Engineering Daily
  • November 24, 2021

I joined the Software Engineering Daily podcast for an episode and had the pleasure to talk about how I started programming at all, how I got into web dev and eventually into Vue and Nuxt.js. Also, we discussed whether Nuxt is enterprise-ready or not, which popular websites are built with Nuxt and how Nuxt compares to other frameworks.

In addition, we talked about a possible "data layer" and how data fetching is solved in Nuxt, then focussing on whether Vue knowledge is necessary to learn Nuxt or not. Eventually, we talked about state management, SEO, Jamstack and common patterns and best practices.

Last but not least, we peaked into the Nuxt 3 beta and the composition API, as well as running it on the edge and serverless.

Photo of Alexander Lichter

Alexander Lichter

I'm Alex, a German web engineering consultant and content creator. Helping companies with my experience in TypeScript, Vue.js, and Nuxt.js is my daily business.

More about me

Further Talks & Podcasts

I had the pleasure joining Matt and Mike from HTML All The Things for an episode of their podcast. We discussed Vue.js, Nuxt.js and also talked about maintaining an open source project.

Die Webentwicklung hat sich in den letzten Jahren deutlich gewandelt. Wo früher noch mit JSF und jQuery gearbeitet wurde, sind heute meistens Single Page Applications mit einem beliebigen Backend im Einsatz. Im heutigen Talk soll es aber vor allem um das Frontend gehen: Wir schauen uns gemeinsam an, welche Möglichkeiten man hat wenn man SPAs mit Vue schreibt und wieso NuxtJS, ein vue-basiertes Framework, so viel Komfort mitbringt. Dazu werden wir uns neben ein bisschen Theorie Nuxt 2 und die neue Nuxt 3 Beta anschauen (natürlich mit Live-Coding)!