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Sitemaps, SEO, and Nuxt

  • Enjoy the Vue
  • January 25, 2021

I had the pleasure to join the Enjoy the Vue panel, and was thrilled to share my perspective on Nuxt.js, a Vue framework that offers an intuitive and efficient approach to web development, in this episode.

We'll start by exploring my tech journey and my role as a Nuxt maintainer. Next, there will be a deep dive into Nuxt's key features and my preferred tech stack. I'll also provide tips on using Tailwind CSS effectively and touch on SEO's importance and its connection to user experience.

In the second part of the episode, we'll go deeper into why Nuxt is fantastic for SEO. I'll clarify static and dynamic site rendering and discuss how I use blogs and speaking engagements to support the Nuxt community. I'll also answer a few miscellaneous Nuxt questions.

For Vue developers looking to create websites more efficiently, Nuxt.js is a game-changer. Tune in to discover why Nuxt could be the right framework for your next project.

Photo of Alexander Lichter

Alexander Lichter

I'm Alex, a German web engineering consultant and content creator. Helping companies with my experience in TypeScript, Vue.js, and Nuxt.js is my daily business.

More about me

Further Talks & Podcasts

Nuxt.js Deep Dive

  • 2020-12-11

[GERMAN] Ich hatte die Ehre zusammen mit der eine Podcast-Episode aufzunehmen, in der wir einen kleinen Deep Dive in das Thema Nuxt.js tätigen. Nachdem es bereits eine kleine Intro-Folge ohne mich gab, konnte ich die letzten offenen Fragen des Pnaels klären und unter anderem berichten, wie Hydration funktioniert und wann man SPA, SSG und SSR nutzen sollte.

Diving Deeper Into Nuxt.js

  • 2022-03-01

During my first appearance on the podcast, we talked about Nuxt 2 and a bit of personal backstory, as well as about business and MDX and MDC in Vue.